The Proverbs 31 Church

God calls us to have oil in our lamps for the day of His return. The Proverbs 31 Church will challenge you to look into your inner-self and see if you are in this right position.


Beyond The Waters

Have you ever wanted to go a little deeper in your devotional time with God? Does your heart long for more? This devotional book will ask you some thought-provoking questions that will stir your spirit to want to go beyond the place of surface Christianity, beyond the waters! This book will challenge you to come up higher and encourage you to rest assured that God will always be there for you in times of need. It will drown your fears and help you realize who you are in Christ. Our hearts are not content to stay in the shallow waters of Christianity, but to explore the deeper things of God. I consider this book a personal journey between you and the Father. I call it a fire-starter! It will set up some perimeters to get you started in your daily devotional time with God, which I believe will lead you into your own experiences and revelations. It will also give you some space to journal your thoughts and prayers. In Beyond the Waters, I share personal insights (or nuggets, as I call them), that God has given to me through various trials, how His word has inspired me and challenged me to come up higher. I believe it will do the same for you.  I wrote this book out of obedience, as the Lord put on my heart to share the things He has shown me. I pray that this devotional will take you into places God so yearns for you to go.


One day as I was in prayer, the Lord began to show me the identity crisis happening in the world. The strongholds we see in adults stem from the seeds the enemy has sown into their hearts as children. At such a young age, the enemy begins a work to steal their identities as children of God. In the times we live in, there is an epidemic to steal the souls of a generation! The enemy aims to bring confusion to their identities. This book is in response to the mandate God has placed on my heart to train up children in the way they should go and who they are in Christ. Parents, we are partnering up to solidify their identities in the image of their Creator! Who I AM is a tool I am putting in your hands to counterattack the plot to take the future away from your children. Even though I myself do not have any natural children, God has used my life to raise many spiritual children. I have been called to birth this book to affect the future generations in the earth! Grab your children and let’s begin to shape them into their true natures, as sons and daughters of their Heavenly Father. By faith, they will begin to understand who they are in Christ and walk this earth in boldness to fulfill the calling on their lives.

All Illustrations By Melinda Howard